# Data sources
# Anticipated flood inundation zones
- Map of Kumano River Anticipated Flood Inundation Zones (Kinan Office of River and National Highway, MLIT of Japan)
- Map of Kumano River Anticipated Flood Inundation Zones (Wakayama Prefecture)
- Map of Ichida River Anticipated Flood Inundation Zones (Kinan Office of River and National Highway, MLIT of Japan)
# Anticipated tsunami inundation zones
# Landslide caution zones
# Background map, etc.
- OpenStreetMap
- Roads
- Railways
- Landmarks
- Land use
- Basic Map Information (Geospatial Information Authority of Japan)
“(Usage) approved by the Director General of the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan based on the Survey Act: R 1JHs 1443”
- Bodies of water
- Contour lines
- Buildings
- GSI Tiles (Geospatial Information Authority of Japan)
- Shaded relief map
- Photographs
- Elevation tiles (basic map information digital elevation model)
- National Land Digital Information (National Land Information Division, National Spatial Planning and Regional Policy Bureau, MLIT of Japan)
- Administrative districts
- jSTAT MAP (Statistics GIS) (Statistics Bureau of Japan)
- Subregional boundary data (by town, village, district, etc.)Notes